Minute of Islands presents itself with a colourful Adventure Time-like aesthetic, which eerily compliments its more mature, and sometimes unsettling, themes. Speaking of the world, the backstory and world building is wonderfully melancholy, depicting a tragic calamity as a result of toxic spores filling the air in which the characters breathe. To explore the various islands and help you to navigate through puzzles, Mo's Omni Switch is a clever little tool which helps to keep the player on track. And yet, the further her adventure takes her in Minute of Islands, the more she learns about the secrets hidden within. With the help of her Omni Switch, a multi-purpose tool that allows her to interact with these machines and reveal the way forward, Mo's adventure allows her to see the members of her family once more and reminisce of days long past. In a colony of islands troubled by the pollution of toxic spores, a young tinkerer named Mo sets out on a journey to restore the four otherworldly giants and their ancient machinery. We're partnered with Skillshare, where you can do unlimited online courses that'll help you create art, make games, and even help you with school/university! Click here for a free 1 month trial.